Recently, a youth delegation of 30 students and teachers from the Navigation College and the College of Marine Engineering of Jimei University went to Hong Kong for a five-day exchange tour. Thus, the “Set Sail with You”, Jimei University & Hong Kong Two-Way Exchange Program 2023-2024, which was jointly launche by Jimei University and the Hong Kong Seame’s Union (Federation of Seafarers’ Unions) and sponsored by the Commission on Youth Development of the Government of the Hong Kong SAR, has been successfully completed.
The Executive Vice President of Jimei University Hong Kong Alumni Association, Mr. Wu Shiping, and eight outstanding alumni in Hong Kong held talks with the delegation.The students were encouraged to become highly-skilled seafarers in their future profession.
Bonded by the marine culture in this exchange tour, the young delegates of the University visited the Hong Kong Seamen’s Union, Hong Kong Maritime Training Institute, Hong Kong Sea School, Hong Kong Museum of Coastal Defense, Hong Kong Maritime Museum, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, etc., to understand the development of Hong Kong’s marine culture and shipping industry, and to immerse themselves with Hong Kong’s multi-cultural charm.
It’s said that in December 2023, 33 Hong Kong youths from the University of Hong Kong, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Hong Kong Maritime Training Institute, the Hong Kong Navigation School, and Hang Seng University, organized by the Hong Kong Seamen’s Union, had an exchange tour to the University. This two-way exchange program has enabled the Hong Kong youths to witness the progress of the mainland and at the same time forge profound friendship with the youngsters from Chinese mainland.